Question by Pnub: What class should i level on WoW, Shaman or warlock?
Im looking to level a class that’s fun to pvp, and can offer a lot to a party. Since warlocks have been getting nerfed… Continue reading This video shows the class mechanics and spells of Shamans in Cataclysm Beta! Video Created by: Snakeslayer
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Question by Dante: What class is the best tank on world of warcraft?
1. What does druid do?
2. What does warrior do?
3. What does pally do?
4. What does DK do?
I saw that on youtube. Shamans… Continue reading
How To Choose A Wow Character Class
Take your time when you choose your World of Warcraft (WoW) Character Class. The choice you make determines how you play the game. There are 10 WoW Character Classes.
Each WoW… Continue reading