Ready For A New Code?
While the usual expectation is that we are simple-minded enough to be caught up in the mass-media Tsunami created by The Da Vinci Code, now a movie starring Tom Hanks, so that… Continue reading
The Source Code® chronicles the real life story of a young woman whos path is forever changed after visiting the ancient Mayan Pyramid of Uxmal. From deep feelings of being alone to overwhelming feelings of complete connectedness, this intimate full-circle… Continue reading
The Da Vinci Code Story
The Da Vinci Code probably deserves a lukewarm three stars. As with the paper back or hard cover, a major problem is that the climax of the story, the murder of the… Continue reading
Question by Aquila: How can DaVinci code be right about Jesus having children?
According to the gnostic christians (these are the original christians according to the manuscripts the Catholics banned), they practiced sexual magic, and the male did not… Continue reading