The OFFICIAL third installment in the “David Blaine Street Magic” series. Blaine sets his sights on the same two effeminate idiots from the last two videos. And unfortunately for them, the third time’s the charm. CHECK OUT PARTS 1 &… Continue reading

The original…David Blaine Street Magic Part Two! See David Blaine terrorize the same two idiots from the first video. Starring Mitch Silpa, Mikey Day, and Michael Naughton. Directed by David Morgasen. There’s been some confusion about where this one is… Continue reading
David Deida lets it rip in Byron Bay, bringing great humor, wisdom, and light to the perennial issues surrounding love, intimacy, sexuality, and spirituality. This 12 part series presents the entirety of the professionally produced video Spirit Sex Love, which… Continue reading
From the DVD of Earth Drum by David & Steve Gordon – imagery of autumn in the forests of New England – deep trance drums, native flutes, world instruments, and ancient Lakota and Tibetan shaman chants. Video filmed, produced and… Continue reading