Question by dbsahowardcounty: What is the difference between depression and bipolar disorder?
Depression is prolonged sandness or unexplained crying spells, changes in appetite and sleep patterns, irriability, anger, agitation, worry, anxitey, pessimsim, indifference, loss of energy, persistent lethargy, unexplained… Continue reading
Bad Life: A Key to Happiness, Discovering Love, and a Depression Cure ? Finding a Solution When Life is not Working
Have you found that your life has not turned out as idyllic as you once imagined? Is… Continue reading
End Depression, Anxiety and Other Mood Disorders and Insomnia through Reiki, Visualization, Meditation, Spirituality and Positive Thinking
End Depression, Anxiety and Other Mood Disorders and Insomnia through Reiki, Visualization, Meditation, Spiritualty and Positive Thinking
By Michael… Continue reading