Good Luck Amulets Sometimes Help With What The Doctors Are Doing!
Some folks under the care of a doctor, for this, that, or the other, are able to speed up the healing process with a powerful Good Luck… Continue reading
Healing Spells are Better than Doctors
Everyone falls sick once in a while; being healthy is the ideal form of existence, and this is where health spells can be of use. Health is one of the biggest assets… Continue reading
Question by Frozen Phoenix: Will witch doctors and shamans go to Christian Hell?
Nice 1st poster I have there =P
Anyone else?
I would like to hear the Christian perspective on this.
Assuming that spell casting and… Continue reading
Question by ShadowCat: With Diversity In Mind: Will The Obama Plan Include Witch Doctors and Shamans, When Other Physicians Bail Out?
Best answer:
Answer by Elwood Blues
There are tests for treatment effectiveness.
The fact is that… Continue reading