It Pays to Know How to Spell on eBay
One of the best sources of goods to sell on eBay is, well, eBay.
Don’t be daft Brian, I can hear you say!
Can you really buy something… Continue reading
This is a very special flute for auction. It is in low C with custom hand painted designs and custom wood burning over holes. It is signed with my initials in woodburning with key. This flute has a warble (… Continue reading
Question by australianmindy: Interesting things to look up on eBay?
Any of you have any suggestions of weird/interesting things I can look up on eBay?
Examples of things I have thought up so far: Donna Summer lifesized… Continue reading
Question by quickgoldsilver: How can I promote my tarot readings on ebay?
I’ve listed a couple of my readings on ebay and no bites yet… I don’t use fancy pants graphics/music whatever because that’s stupid… I’m… Continue reading