Question by YourGirl08: free psychic readings,tarot readings etc…?
what are some good sites for these type of things.
Best answer:
Answer by slow_hand_78
remember that you usually ge what you pay for.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Question by dmarshall9988: Are there any sites where i can get free astrology readings, tarot, numerology, etc.?
absolutely free, no b.s.
Best answer:
Answer by Tan Boon Hwee k
or u are do a search… Continue reading
Question by Yank: Are they Christian, maybe Fundies, the folks here who are drawn to Tarot cards, psychics, astrology, etc.?
Belief in ancient myths, such as the god of a Bronze Age tribe of murdering desert nomads, can, I… Continue reading
Question by Praire Crone: Wiccans or Pagans who use rituals involving circles etc… do you use some kind of music during your ritual?
Do you play your music on a CD player or do you play some type of… Continue reading