Is Tarot Card Reading by Telephone as Goos as Face to Face?
The history of the Tarot is something that is obscured by time. There are some references and researchers that connect the origin of the Tarot… Continue reading
The Poker Face Effect – Mentalism and Mind Reading
The Poker Face Effect is an incredible card trick that allows you to seemingly detect lies and read body language. With the popularity of the hit Tv show “Lie to me”… Continue reading
Use Facial Exercise to Fix an Aging Face
Desperate people do desperate things and surgery is one of those desperate things that aging Baby Boomers hope can “fix” their sagging faces.
This is exactly what the practitioners… Continue reading
The New Face Of God!
Dear reader;
To those of you who missed my last radio shows here are the links
George Noory and Dr. Turi is at “Go to dr. turi’ radio page… Continue reading