The Bible Myths ( Part I ) Following the Path of Logic to Paradise!
A writer builds their story around a theme that is designed to stand out in the mind of the reader. If someone were to try and… Continue reading
Following Jesus- Not Just A Myth
Myths are what our early and primitive world was built upon. Myths are primarily folklore or legends that a particular culture believes to be true and that often use the supernatural to… Continue reading
Question by lemon_lorrain: Consider the following situation: You’re living in Canaan and you as a female have been selected as a k’daisha
A “k’daisha” is a woman who for two weeks must serve for two weeks in the pagan… Continue reading
Following The Footsteps Of The Pharaohs
Egypt is where history first emerged. It is here that we have the first pictographic record of events and persons. Hieroglyphics, the system of writing used by ancient Egyptians can be traced… Continue reading