Question by Jim Barnes: Shamans are fairly common in modern, industrial societies in the form of faith healers and evangelists?
Best answer:
Answer by sportfan
Depending on the terminolgy, shamans can be called priests, elders, etc.… Continue reading
How Digital Scrap Booking Has Become the New Form of Collecting your Albums
Scrap booking is a very popular hobby. In fact, more than 25% people are enjoying scrap booking. With improvements in technology, scrap books with digital… Continue reading
Question by Teddy TheBear: Do you think that visiting bomohs, shamans and mediums is primarily a form of psychological relief?
As much as visiting ‘magic monks’ and holy priests for their services… what do you think?
Best… Continue reading
Question by Darth Seditious: Was Shamanism the oldest form of religion on earth?
I am courious as to your opinion on this. I know Shamanism is worldwide, from Africa, Europe, Northern/Southern America and elsewhere. Do you think shamanism was… Continue reading