Learn Magic Tricks and Impress your Friends
Few things can impress people as much as seeing a well performed Magic Trick especially when it is done without apparatus or preparation. Mentalism is one of the more impressive types… Continue reading
Question by Auntie Christ «stuporstar»: Pagans & Heathens & Friends: What music, if any, do you prefer to use during rituals or meditation? ?
I’m always looking for something new to try. I have a rough time getting into… Continue reading
Question by Desiree: Is the magical Mormon god that lives on Kolob friends with the Christian god?
The magical Mormon god from Kolob gets to physically have sex with his many wives; do you think the Christian… Continue reading
Question by Wicked Warrior: My pagan friends, Last Rites for a cat?
Although Bast has never called to me, I cannot but fell Her near at this time. I have no tools or even candles… Continue reading