Question by LatinoHeat™: Do pagans such as say Wiccans believe in and worship all the gods and goddesses known to man?
The reason why I ask is because I’m reading well technically not readig but skimming through… Continue reading
Question by arioch: Catholics and other Christians ,Gods Command at (Revelation 18:4) . . .“Get out of her, my people, . . .?
And how is the origin of Easter and the customs… Continue reading
This video, based on the book: The Evolution of God written by Robert Wright, poses some interesting questions. Notice how in the Genesis Yahweh is a god who makes things, like clothes for Adam and Eve (yes, unfortunately he didnt… Continue reading
Question by Terry: What two Roman Gods show up with there own cards in some Tarot Decks?
Best answer:
Answer by philebus
There are actually three, which appear in two different patterns.
As… Continue reading