Question by Kaye B: Is there a good tarot book you can learn from? Thank you?
Best answer:
Answer by pixie
The Everything Tarot Book by M.J. Abadie is really good. Ultimately, you… Continue reading
Question by Anna: Good books to learn about Shamanism?
What are some good sites to learn about shamanism & hedgewitchery?
and animal guides?
Oops, I put books in the question and then sites in the details.… Continue reading
Question by TaylorJay: Any Good Rock Bands/Songs Need Ne Music Please?
im into all type or rock from everything. i just need new bands and music i mean anything just put a list of bands and lisen to them… Continue reading
Question by hardcore.skittles<3: Is this a good novel/short story plot?
It’s about a girl named Willow who lives in a futuristic world (flying cars, etc.) and gets drafted by the government to become an Explorer and… Continue reading