Taking on the Hierophant Shadow v.2 – Started my fight off with Cybele, who has tri Auto-Ma-kaja. Plua it is my “healer” persona, as well as possessing Unshaken Will (had to sacrifice my Asura. I got it back.) LOVES to… Continue reading
(Watch in HD) Vision Quest / ????????? ????Arcana Door Enhanced Version of Full Moon No.3 Boss: Hierophant Condition: Yukari must be on the party -Female MC-Story -First Playthrough -Hard Rank -P.Lv. 90 =============================== P3P Playlist: www.youtube.com
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Unlock the Secrets of the Tarot Card – The Hierophant
Unsure of what road to take, the Fool turns to the Hierophant, a holy man and teacher. The Hierophant advises that the Fool let go of fear and… Continue reading
Hierophant card from the Rider Waite deck of Tarot cards by Amanda Goldston. Understand the symbols, colours and astrology of this card. The Hierophant card is about traditions, beliefs, conventions, structured education, spirituality and organised religion. It is asking you… Continue reading