“We don’t do any kind of witchcraft or sorcery.” This is an actual 911 call. A lady calls 911 to ask for help warding off the black magic that she believes is being used against her husband. 911: “911.” Woman:… Continue reading
Healthy & Sexy Vegan Recipes Even Your Husband Will Love
Healthiest, Simplest and Most Delicious Vegan Recipes Ever. Made with lots of Whole Foods ingredients, free of soy, gluten, processed sugar and flour. As an added bonus, all recipes have… Continue reading
Question by J******: I had sex with my husband on the first date, now he thinks I’m more experienced than I am.?
I usually don’t sleep with guys on the first date, but things were different with my husband.… Continue reading
Question by Confucious Say…: “She cast some strange…evil…sexual spell on my husband?
Is that the reason its not the husband’s fault when he cheats on you?
Is that the reasoning YOU use when your “otherwise” good husband cheats… Continue reading