Question by Sage: Why isn’t ‘Easter’ called Resurrection Day?
Easter or Eastre is a Saxon Goddess of fertility. A so called pagan ritual of spring. Why is she still celebrated if this day is supposed to be the Christian… Continue reading
Question by Moonstrider: My wife isn’t talking to me because I don’t believe in magic?
The silliest fight my wife and have ever had (for me at least).
First let me explain what led to our discussion (fight)… Continue reading
Question by clandestiny: Isn’t sex sacred?
I always thought it was supposed to be special.
Yet, why do so many speak of it so flippantly, having casual sex now and then, watching ponorgraphy, wanking, cybersex, petting, prostitution etc as… Continue reading
A ‘Design Studio For Cricut’ Book – When the Manual Isn’t Enough
If you’re a scrapbooking fiend, you’ll have heard of the Cricut. Even if you’re just beginning to explore this most popular hobby, you might have… Continue reading