www.facebook.com www.wrymradio.com SABOR A TIMBA www.saboratimba.com Victor Manuel Sterling-Duprey (Papo) was born and raised out of a musical family in Santurce, Puerto Rico. His father, uncles and aunts sung and danced to the tunes of Arsenio Rodriguez, Septeto Nacional, Ignacio… Continue reading
PHOTOS www.flickr.com BUY CD “SALSA DE LA MATA” www.cdbaby.com AND HERE www.descarga.com FACEBOOK www.facebook.com MYSPACE www.myspace.com Jesus Pagan Vocalist, Songwriter, Educator “Caminando hacia adelante en las Huellas, de los maestros” “Walking forward, in the footsteps of the Forefathers” An exhilirating… Continue reading
Are Horus And Jesus The Same?
With the success of the internet movie “ZEITGEIST” there has been a great deal of interest in the Egyptian religion, especially as regards how it is related to Christianity. One of… Continue reading