Question by …….: Why do some human beings think of sex as a sacred act while ever other species will just “do it like animals”?
Best answer:
Answer by Christian
Religion & society.
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Satanic Tradition or Just Clean Fun?
Annually in October, Halloween decorations, costumes, and props begin to flood the entrances and isles of malls, departments stores, and grocery stores. Advertisements for haunted houses, themed parties, and other events… Continue reading
2 Slick Moves To Bring Her To Amazing Orgasms Just Like Magic (Even If You Have A Small Penis!)
Giving Extreme Sexual Pleasure To A Women plus topics on Penis Enlarging Tips plus info on Before And After… Continue reading
Question by i_am_emily: when learning tarot cards should you incorporate learning reverse cards or should you just learn them straight?
Best answer:
Answer by God answers all questions
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