by tom.hensel
Book Marketing Tips Self Publishers Must Know
If you’ve written a ‘how to’ book you’ll find people are always seeking ‘how to’ information making your book easy to sell; in fact the most sought after items on the… Continue reading
Question by Terry: How do you know if your an Urban Pagan? (Friday night funnies)?
I appreciate all additions to the list as you are answering the question. Now, here’s some parameters for an urban Pagan so you can… Continue reading
Question by Josh: I would like to find out all I can on Gay Pagan history? So please let me know.?
Best answer:
Answer by Macy
being Gay was acceptable to Pagans
For Pagans anything you wanted to do… Continue reading
by ohioskeptics
Question by terri d: Anyone do Free Readings (psychic, tarot) or know where to get one?
My husband and I are thinking of trying for our final child and I was wanting to know if it would… Continue reading