Is Maslows Hierarchy A Plagiarism On Chakras + Kundalini Yoga, Known About For Thousands of Years
Maslows Hierarchy Of Needs is A Plagiarism On Chakra Theory And Kundalini Yoga, Known About For Thousands Of Years
Maslow’s Hierarchy of… Continue reading
Question by LatinoHeat™: Do pagans such as say Wiccans believe in and worship all the gods and goddesses known to man?
The reason why I ask is because I’m reading well technically not readig but skimming through… Continue reading
Stian, a Norse Name With Some Interesting Facts and Known Persons Connected to It
The boy’s name Stian \s-tian\ is of Old Norse origin, and its meaning is “voyager, pilgrim”. The name is popular in Scandinavia. The different-sounding… Continue reading
Question by Dark Knight Redemption: Is Christianity the reason why Europeans dominated most of the known world throughout history?
Not to long ago, I heard someone ask the question “why did Europeans dominate most of the known world?”
The… Continue reading