Your life changes the moment you stop letting the critics hold you back
It was President Teddy Roosevelt who spoke the immortal words, “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how… Continue reading
The MAJORITY of the Shia Scholars prohibit the tatbeer/blood letting/self flagellation.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
The DRD are at it again! This time, coming to you from the Ampitheatre at Harvest Fest at the Mansfield Outdoor Centre in Mansfield,… Continue reading
Part 1: The Shia of AhlulBayt(as) mourn for Imaam Hussein(as), on the 10th of Muharram, ASHURA, because the Prophet(sawa) would cry on this day, the the extent that his hair & beard was full of sand.
Video Rating: 4… Continue reading