Question by dwb_mc: i would like some help on comming up with a name?
We have a about 8 guys that ride motorcycles most of us built them our selves. We have a shop where we build or fix’em… Continue reading
How To Increase Sexual Stamina- 3 Simple Tips and Tricks work like Magic
Trying to find ways to increase sexual stamina can seem like a difficult thing to do. Especially when you’re not sure which techniques or methods… Continue reading
by Property#1
Question by Harison F: why do people treat sex like a sacred ritual?
shouldn’t you be able to have safe sex when you reach a mature age? without having the permission of the church or some invisible… Continue reading
by dongato
Question by zenbuddhamaster: Did you know SHAMANS say there are entities like bacteria, that put negative thoughts in our minds?
But they are just doing their job. Helping to break down psychic
matter for recycling.
Best answer:… Continue reading