Y gwyr Yn Erbyn Byd was asked to Perfomr this 2006 Mabon for a Local Community effort Group know as TERRA ( Tacoma Earth Religions Revival Association ) We had a Wonderful Time, A great Turn Out and Many new… Continue reading
at Her PaGaian MoonCourt (pagaian.org ) Bru-na-Bigtree Blue Mountains NSW Australia. The text is from PaGaian Cosmology available on-line at pagaian.org I graciously acknowledge the quote of one paragraph – in “Persephone’s fertile Promise” – from Charlene Spretnak’s phenomenal book… Continue reading

I amChristina and I’m a witch. Welcome to my darkbooks.org – my magic homepage. There is much useful for all who are interested in magic, witchcraft, occultism. Lot of free books on magic, articles and tips, as well as a… Continue reading