Magical Spells for Your Home
This book’s original approach takes readers through the home, room by room, focusing on life-enhancing spells, charms, and rituals that are appropriate for each living area. Living room spells promote relaxation and deflect everyday stress,… Continue reading
If you dont already know DMT is a chemicle that exists within almost all forms of life and is produced in the human brain (Pineal Gland) during heavy rem sleep and near death experiences. It is an extremely potent hallucenogen… Continue reading
by twinkleboi
Love, Sex, Dating, Finding A Soul Mate?…Maybe Father Time Can Help You With A Magical Crystal?
Are You Looking for Love, Sex, Romance; the Kind of True Love that Takes Your Breath Away!?
For thousands of years,… Continue reading
LEMONGRASS – Magical Uses: The essential oil strengthens psychic awareness and is also useful in purification mixtures. CHAMOMILE — Good luck spells, burning in love spells ROSE – Magical Uses: The Rose is a Goddess herb belonging to Venus and… Continue reading