Spells cannot receive energy or power from the Moon when she is in void of course. When you look at an almanac or a witch’s datebook/calender you will see a Moon symbol and v/c with a time after it. This… Continue reading
Spells cannot receive energy or power from the Moon when she is in void of course. When you look at an almanac or a witch’s datebook/calender you will see a Moon symbol and v/c with a time after it. This… Continue reading

Your Blocks are Subconscious. Don’t be discouraged. Every Witch has stories of Hit and Missing with Spells. Magick is an ART. Approach it that way and you will see WONDERS! Link to download the ebook. Very Short READ BUT POWERFUL!… Continue reading
Magic and Magick – How Rituals Work and Why
Magic and Magick
The term Magick, with the added k, was created by the very controversial Aleister Crowley. Despite the drama,strange hat wearing and fuss over his… Continue reading