What Are Magick Potions, And What Are Their Possibilities?
Magick Potions are mixtures of herbal ingredients, oils and other substances that have magickal properties.
In earlier times, the recipes for making such potions were protected from… Continue reading
Your First Magick Divination
I am going to show you a simple way of Divination called Scrying. The first thing you need to do is get some sort of reflective object… like a mirror or a crystal ball, etc. This… Continue reading
Mardukite Merlyn’s Magick OnLine School. So..You Want 2 BA WIZARD??? From Mardukite Ministries curtesy of Joshua Free / Merlyn Stone. Lesson 4.6: SPELLCRAFT SIMPLIFIED: MAGICKAL HERBALISM from Merlyn’s Magick by Joshua Free. “The Wizard’s Secret Notebooks” (the republished out of… Continue reading
Practical Magick ? Don’t Let Fear Hold Your Magick Back
In this article I’m going to outline one of the main reasons why so many wannabe occultists achieve little to no result with their magick, and how you… Continue reading