On Nostradamus and the Paths of Wisdom
This article summarizes the thematic content of the thirty-two Nostradamus prophecies that were known in mystic circles as the Paths of Wisdom, and for cross-reference to online sources the Nostradamus numbers… Continue reading
The New Nostradamus
The astonishing future predictions for 2010 from the New Nostradamus and how to survive the world turmoil.
The New Nostradamus
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Spiritual Research on the Spiritual Life of Nostradamus
This article provides a spiritual perspective on the life of the famous seer Nostradamus. Spiritual research has shown that the spiritual purpose of his life was to overcome his… Continue reading
Psychic test ? Nostradamus had psychic ability
I am convinced that Nostradamus had psychic test ability but I am unconvinced that he was accurate with most of his predictions. Nostradamus was able to name… Continue reading