Free Psychic Reading and Numerology
Numerology is another popular method of psychic reading. There are a number of ways in which you can have a numerology reading such as either adding up the numbers in your… Continue reading
Question by dmarshall9988: Are there any sites where i can get free astrology readings, tarot, numerology, etc.?
absolutely free, no b.s.
Best answer:
Answer by Tan Boon Hwee k
or u are do a search… Continue reading
Vedic Numerology Ii
Vedic Numerology – Lesson 2
Like Pythagoras’ intoxication with the Music of the Spheres( Wisdom), the Indian Sages were infatuated with Knowledge. Many scientific truths were cognised by them in higher states of… Continue reading
Vedic Numerology Vi
Vedic Numerology – Lesson 6
Astrology, the Science of Time , was revealed to the Sages in yogic flashes
of heightened Consciousness. Numerology was developed by Pythagorus
and Vararuchi. When the two… Continue reading