Question by Aurelia: What “rites of passage” are relevant to modern American teenagers?
Most cultures provide their young adults a ceremony or introduction into the community. These may be physical (piercings, tattoos), spiritual ceremonies (sweat lodges, vision… Continue reading
Question by southsidepalmreader: After a big failing out of the pagan community and failed rites of passage could it be a sighn from God?
Best answer:
Answer by Epona Willow
Most communities/churches/groups have some in fighting… Continue reading
Welcome to my new video series…. 1. Birthing 2. Coming of Age 3. Handfasting/Handparting 4. Dedication/Initiation 5. Midlife 6.Priest/Priestesshood 7. Cronging/Saging 8. Final Passage
Question by jackie: What are some ideas for an appropriate rite of passage into adulthood?
I’m very close to being eighteen years old and have decided that I am in need of a rite of passage in order to… Continue reading