Plant Spirit Shamanism: Voodoo Shamanism
What do we really know about ‘voodoo’ in the West? Almost nothing. Not even the correct spelling. Even now my computer underlines Vodou (its correct name) in red to inform me of a… Continue reading
Understanding The Salvia Divinorum Plant
Salvia is a genus of plants in the mint family, Lamiaceae. Salvia is a consciousness-changing herb that can be used in a vision quest, or in a healing ritual. Salvia is also illegal… Continue reading
The Visionary World of Ayahuasca – Plant Spirit Shamanism in the Amazon
Ayahuasca – Plant Spirit Medicine of the Amazon
“We are not talking about passive agents of transformation, we are talking about an intelligence, a consciousness, an… Continue reading
Plant Spirit Shamanism: the Seguro
Andean shaman, Juan Navarro, was born in the highland village of Somate, department of Piura. He is the descendant of a long line of healers working with san pedro and with the magical… Continue reading