Pagan Christmas: The Plants, Spirits, and Rituals at the Origins of Yu
The day on which many commemorate the birth of Christ has its origins in pagan rituals that center on tree worship, agriculture, magic, and social exchange. The authors… Continue reading
Ayahuasca & Visionary Plants – Companions to the Soul
Writing from my own personal perspective from my years of work and research in the Amazon Rainforest with the shamans and curanderos who drink the visionary plant brew called Ayahuasca. I… Continue reading
Plants And Flowers In Rituals
Plants and Flowers in Rituals.
Plants used in ritual magic and their purposes. Just pop them into a piece of muslin and crush for the scent or use the essential… Continue reading
Ayahuasca Shamans and the Healing Plants of the Amazon Rainforest of Peru – Part 2
A note about aguardiente, often used for preparing plants.
Good aguardiente is clear and pure. Adulterated, it looks cloudy and is not… Continue reading