Question by <3: For those who read tarot, would you consider a man who constantly shows up as the magician reversed a player?
This guy CONSTANTLY shows up as the magician reversed in my spreads. To the point where it… Continue reading
A few dragon tarot products I can recommend:
Guildhelpers Mmorpg Guild Creation/Team Player Guide
Comprehensive guide showing how ordinary gamers can now create their dream Mmo guild. Perfect for World of Warcraft, Guildwars, City of Heroes , Everquest, Ddo, Age… Continue reading
Question by Jaike: Which nba player was having the most sex Wilt Chamberlain or Magic Johnson?
Both was getting a lot of puss. Which one had the most chicks?
Best answer:
Answer by Stuart Little
Wilt.… Continue reading
I amChristina and I’m a witch. Welcome to my – my magic homepage. There is much useful for all who are interested in magic, witchcraft, occultism. Lot of free books on magic, articles and tips, as well as a… Continue reading