Question by George: What are the two best professions for a Dranei Shaman in Wow?
I have a dranei shaman (enhancement) in my wow account and I want to find out what are the two best professions… Continue reading
Question by Ignacio: What PROFESSIONS should I take with my enhancment shaman.?
Hi, I have lvl 80 Enhancment shaman, and i was thinking of taking;
Blacksmithing and minning, but i heard that the things you could craft… Continue reading
Question by bodhihoang: Whats the best 2 professions for a shaman in WOW World of warcraft?
I’ve already got a main with 2 gathering professions at lvl 40 I can already make 500g a day so I… Continue reading
Question by Logan J: What are the two best professions for a Draenei Shaman?
What are the 2 best professions for a Draenei Shaman?
Best answer:
Answer by WoodMutt
This is really personal preference for… Continue reading