Young Amil Younus Mirza’s Live Exorcism (Cure From Jinn/Jadoo/Black Magic/Evil Spirits) Without Taweez/Talisman/Palita/Shirk. Only Quran Recitation. For Assistance Call +919849419139 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +919849419139 end_of_the_skype_highlighting…
In Bible versus Quran: When God sends a curse upon the priests
The Lord God Rebukes the Priests in Bible versus Quran
In the Bible, the verses of Malachi 2:1-4 indicate that:
1) The priests may… Continue reading
In the Bible But not in the Quran (38): Was Aaron (moses’ Brother) Cursed-b?
Was Aaron (Moses’ brother) Cursed in the Bible?
Yes, and…
He was Cursed because he had violated God’ Law!
And had… Continue reading
In Bible Versus Quran: The Serpent Is Cursed And Eats Dust
Who is cursed in Bible vs. Quran-1?
This is the first article of the series: “Who is cursed in Bible versus Quran”… Continue reading