In Bible Versus Quran: The Earth Is Cursed Because Of Adam
This is the first article of the series: “Who is cursed in Bible versus Quran”
In the Bible the Lord God says that the earth and the… Continue reading
Chapter Qaf of the Qur’an with English translation, VISIT for free complete English translation
Fathers Eat Their Children in Bible and Quran
The Bible mentions Eat 617 times and the Quran 70 times.
Eat Rite in the Bible:
The beginning was not encouraging:
Genesis 3:17
To Adam… Continue reading
Children Eat Their Fathers in Bible and Quran
The Bible mentions Eat 617 times and the Quran 70 times.
Eat Rite in the Bible:
The beginning was not encouraging:
Genesis 3:17
To Adam he… Continue reading