This is a Jazz Standard performed by the Kevin Burton trio as we have been recording our debut CD. Recorded at Vision Quest Studios in Jackson, CA. Michael at Vision Quest was nice enough to book us some time in… Continue reading
Time Recording System Payroll Process
The time recording systems we used to rely upon are becoming time recording systems that are extinct. Older time recording systems are the yellow punch card and the timeclock? It is amazing to… Continue reading
Recording Companies Want to Record you
Many artists and bands think like that, they believe that the music industry is exclusively just for them. It’s natural, after all it’s evident to them that they have both great music… Continue reading

NOCTURNAL recording 2 songs at the DESASTER rehearsal room. re-recording of Tormentor and Rise of the undead for the PAGAN RITES Split 7″ Engineered by Infernal and Tormentor. I think this was in 2005. Clip 2 of 2
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