Magic and Magick – How Rituals Work and Why
Magic and Magick
The term Magick, with the added k, was created by the very controversial Aleister Crowley. Despite the drama,strange hat wearing and fuss over his… Continue reading
3 Love Spells and Rituals That Work
Do you happen to be one of those unhappy souls who always crave for attention? Are you one of those people who always live with the fear of losing their beloved… Continue reading
Halloween Rituals ? Disturbing Trends of Black Magic On Halloween Eve
Halloween is usually associated with carved pumpkins and occults. Think of it when it was actually started to keep the supernatural powers at bay. The members… Continue reading
Love Spell Rituals in America
As we all know that and also it has been noticed and observed that the trend of love spells in America has been getting a lot of attention and concentration day by day. Majority number… Continue reading