Classic Game Room HD reviews the first GOD OF WAR on Playstation 2 PS2, this has also been remastered and released as part of the God of War Collection on Playstation 3 PS3. This CGR review of the first God… Continue reading

Classic Game Room HD reviews SACRED 2 FALLEN ANGEL for Playstation 3 PS3, also on Xbox 360 and PC. This massive RPG role playing game allows you to choose one of 6 character classes and lay waste to an enormous… Continue reading
Classic Game Room HD reviews THE SORCERER’S APPRENTICE for Nintendo DS from Disney. Fulfill your destiny as the sorcerer’s apprentice in this video game based on the Disney film, The Sorcerer’s Apprentice. Master the elements of sorcery to deliver awesome… Continue reading
okay. you hear pagan. you hear witch. you automatically think spells and potions, incantations and summonings….how sad you know nothing. magic is merely focusing the Will to accomplish something. it is probability enhancement. spells are nothing more than, prescribed or… Continue reading