Question by Flingershock (Suspended): In your opinion, do you believe there is something sacred or religious about sex? Like it’s not something to?
be taken lightly?
Best answer:
Answer by Timid Women Rarely Make History
Yes. I… Continue reading
An overview of the chart for the Sacred Circle Temple upon it’s creation in April 2007.
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Butterfly Temple some live concerts cuts If you are Interested in Metal you might find interesting its a… Continue reading
A strong pagan belief is that the natural world is embedded in all of us. One method of defining the landscape is by building monuments. The construction of tombs at the boundaries of territory illustrates to outsiders that the area… Continue reading
Question by …….: Why do some human beings think of sex as a sacred act while ever other species will just “do it like animals”?
Best answer:
Answer by Christian
Religion & society.
What… Continue reading