What Pharaoh and His Folk Said When an Evil Thing Smote Them?
Many people do not know Allah. This series (1-64) is an attempt to help them to know their Creator.
Verses 7:131-133… Continue reading
What Diwan Chand Sharma said about Muhammad?
Muhammad up to the age of forty
Muhammad before his Prophethood
Up to the age of forty, Muhammad was not known as a statesman, a parson a spokesman or a… Continue reading
Who Said Woe Unto Me? in the Sacred Books
According to the Bible, King David, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Job, Micah, the Philistines and, the daughter of Zion said, all of them said: Woe is me or Woe unto… Continue reading
Anas said: I served Muhammad for ten years; He never said?
This is Muhammad School-4
This article throws some light on the manner, behavior, Clemency and Conduct, of the Prophet Muhammad and how he used to… Continue reading