What Muhammad said to Omar who rebuked the rude pagan harshly?
This is Muhammad School-4
This article throws some light on the manner, behavior, Clemency and Conduct, of the Prophet Muhammad and how he used to… Continue reading
Question by Adam D: David Lewis-Williams said that Cro-Magnon shamans would go into a trace state and then paint on the cave wall?
My question is why the trance state theroy? and how where they achieving this state?
Best… Continue reading
Question by candyshop_girl05: Will my ex come back to me if a psychic said he would in a tarot reading?
I recently got a tarot reading from a psychic that was right on the do the first… Continue reading
Question by JDM as FCK: What happens if I tell someone else what my tarot reading said?
Okay so I went to get a tarot card reading and I am not sure if I am suppose to tell someone… Continue reading