Question by Not Of This World – N.O.T.W –: Can we really call same sex marriages “Sacred marriage”?
understanding that the only sacred union or marriage is between a man and a woman!
I’m not talking about any statistics… Continue reading
Are Horus And Jesus The Same?
With the success of the internet movie “ZEITGEIST” there has been a great deal of interest in the Egyptian religion, especially as regards how it is related to Christianity. One of… Continue reading
Question by Jedi: Tarot: the tower and the death cards together in the same reading?
One following the other… Can it get any worst?
I know the meaning of these cards by the way, I’m just asking whether someone… Continue reading
Question by digilook: Do vision quests offer the same results as meditation?
Are drugs a necessary requirement for a vision quest? For myself, the answer is “No”
Peace and Love
The “No” answer was for drugs.
Best… Continue reading