Question by two_kee_kees: What’s the deal with these extremely sexual questions being posted by 15 year old girls?
I have seen two questions today supposedly asked by 15 year old girls.. the spelling and grammar is… Continue reading
Fun for Two. How to improve couple’s sexual life with a help of adult toys.
When some people think about the word “sex”, most will always think about two people getting together and having intercourse and that’s about… Continue reading
Question by megan: Sexual Euphinisms for a computer geek?
and YES I just realized I spelled that wrong. EUPHEMISM is what I meant!
I was wondering if anyone could come up with some good but humorous sexual euphinisms for… Continue reading
How to Become a Sexual Powerhouse
In a previous article “The Joys Of Self Pleasure” I gave you tips on how to have a relaxing time with masturbation. Let me just say that I feel sex and… Continue reading