Question by janeattack2000: Do shaman follow any steps in performing shamanism?
Best answer:
Answer by xapao
i heard its freestyle
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Question by Clann Cholmáin: If Shamanism is several thousand years old, then does that not make Christianity a “New Age” religion?
Best answer:
Answer by Pittsburgher -The Ugly Duckling-
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Magickal Oils of Indonesian Shamanism Part 1
Almost every shamanic and pagan culture has its own collection of oils used for occult and magickal purposes. In this article we will describe a few of… Continue reading
by oedipusphinx
Plant Spirit Shamanism: the Seguro
Andean shaman, Juan Navarro, was born in the highland village of Somate, department of Piura. He is the descendant of a long line of healers working with san pedro and with the magical… Continue reading