Plant Spirit Shamanism: Divining With Coca
The Incas regarded coca as the divine plant, mainly because of its ability to impart endurance, and its use was entwined with every aspect of life, art, mythology, and the economy of… Continue reading
Question by kim: What are the holy books of legalism,zen buddhism,lamaism,shinto, and shamanism?
Best answer:
Answer by Phoenix – finals suck
Shamanism will not have a holy book, its history goes back far before writing.
But… Continue reading
Question by Mariposa Traicionera: Is shamanism a Pagan belief system/religion?
Not in the old definition of “anything other than Christian,” but does Shamanism fall under the definition of what are considered Pagan religions today?
Best answer:
Answer by morbidminded… Continue reading
Question by Plain Silly: What is the difference between Animism and Shamanism?
Best answer:
Answer by Weemaryanne
Shamanism is both easier to spell and easier to pronounce.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!