The Shaman Sings
DIVDIVThe shocking death of a female physics student has shattered the peaceful community of Granite Creek, Colorado—and police chief Scott Parrish has a hunch he can’t even begin to explain. HeIsaw/Ithe killing…in his dreams. BRBRDaisy Perika experienced the… Continue reading
Question by Hells-Warlock: Why do Christians automadicly assume that because a musician sings a song about selling their soul ,,they >
are a Satanist ?
Dont they relize that us pagans dont even belive he exist ?
Why cant they just get off my back ?
Just for the record
Every Christian I have run into Has accused… Continue reading
Live Band Punk Rock Karaoke 3.13.10
Video Rating: 0 / 5

Arguably the best song to ever come out of Cleveland.
Video Rating: 4 / 5