INNER-CHILD ~Beautiful and Insightful Do-It-Yourself Tarot! – Empathic Mystic Online Tarot – Use It For Free As Often As You Like! EmpathicMystic.com This video was created by Amanda. If you’d like to receive an empathic tarot reading from Amanda, check… Continue reading
Question by Wisethunder: Spiritually speaking, who else believes in Native American Celtic Zen Shamanism?
Best answer:
Answer by tawaen, (((beautifulmind)))
Nah, I’m just eclectic. Not long-winded.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Question by Greco: how did sex become sacred? …culturally speaking?
if you even brush against specific areas of someone’s body, you have committed “sexual assault”
why are sexual crimes treated differently than other crimes?
did you ever… Continue reading
Speaking of H-h-hats in W-w-worship
The chain of command is: God, Christ, husband, wife. But we must understand that authority is not the same as status, and furthermore that Christian authority is not the… Continue reading