The Divine Arcana of the Aurum Solis: Using Tarot Talismans for Ritual & Initiation
List Price: CDN$ 25.50
Price: CDN$ 16.07
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Where In England Or The UK Can We Get Good Luck Amulets, Charms, And Talismans That Really Work?
Hello To Our Special Friends In England And The Rest Of The UK… Particularly The Superstitious…Who need some Good Luck!… Continue reading
Tarot Talismans
According to Chic & Sandra Tabatha Cicero, the tarot is much more than a collection of symbolic images-it’s a vibrant ecosystem of interconnected energies and entities. In this groundbreaking approach to tarot, they introduce how these powerful cards… Continue reading
The meaning of Talismans
The word “Talisman,” derived from the Greek verb “teleo,” means, primarily, to accomplish, or bring into effect. The Talisman is an object marked with magic signs and is believed to confer on its… Continue reading