Question by Gold Digger: how dangerus r tarot cards an other types of fortune telling???
ok… i no weegee boards r super dangerus cuz u let in all kinds of evil spirts u cant get rid of…… Continue reading

The important part is when the time is right for you..
Video Rating: 4 / 5
A cable public access program recently spotlighted the Wiccan Headstone Campaign and featured Michaela Barry, the attorney who filed the first FOIA request with… Continue reading
Question by Sakura Chan: Any Pagans would you mind telling me?
Hello there everyone!
So, I’ve been browsing around R&S for a while and I noticed that most questions directed towards Pagans are mainly directed towards those from the… Continue reading
Question by BeanBean ?: what are these strange ‘fortune telling’ cards? [pictures included]?
There are 52 cards. They are cardboard,a little bent, bigger than normal tarot cards. [i know what tarot looks like,and this is not them].… Continue reading