Sally, 2-year Soul Arts with Ronda apprentice, talks candidly about her personal transformation: from cancer and the depths of despair, to healing insight, to the master art of living in wholeness. Short inspirational video and testimonial for those seeking spiritual… Continue reading
Tarot of Transformation
The Tarot of Transformation deals with life?s possibilities, hardships, and challenges in a way that encourages creativity, wisdom, and maturity. For centuries, people have been using ? and adapting ? the 78 cards of the tarot to… Continue reading
Nature is our teacher if only we look. The magic butterfly is a message about our ability to transform.Are you a butterfly who thinks they are still a caterpillar?

Entheogens have long been a part of Human Culture. During the… Continue reading
The Transformation Of Spiritual Consciousness
This new time in the history of planet Earth is creating a transformation of spiritual consciousness that is a quantum evolutionary leap for all of humanity. In times past, spiritual pursuits, spiritual awareness… Continue reading